The Alchemy of Ease & Dis-Ease
A lecture on Traditional Islamic Healing and Medicine
By Ilyas Kashani
Friday, April 27, 2018 / 8:00 pm
Traditional Islamic Healing and Medicine (TIHM) is intimately acquainted with the “golden key” of healing—the sacred spaceless space in the timeless time where the soul’s free will stands alone unveiled before its Lord at the crossroads of life.… between felicity and fall, the heart’s expansion and contraction, and ease and dis-ease. Healing practically demands a return to this precious moment—transporting the soul through space-time—where the Most Merciful and Ever-Forgiving gifts us the opportunity to make amends, reconcile, and effectively rewrite our stories. What immediately transpires in the body is nothing short of miraculous, for “He need only say to a thing ‘Be,’ and it becomes!” [Qur’an 19:35] It is the stuff of spiritual alchemy that beautifully elucidates the paradigm and principles of TIHM. Dare to join us and step on to our magic carpet that just might transport you back to your own true self!
Ilyas Kashani is a “hakim” or practitioner of Traditional Islamic Healing and Medicine (TIHM). His training began at six years of age through his father, Mirza Muhammad Sadiq al-Shirazi al-Kashani. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering from Virginia Tech. He has studied various traditional and modern holistic therapies since 1990, including Oriental Medicine, Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Meditation, Qigong, and Yoga. He holds a Master of Acupuncture degree from the Traditional Acupuncture Institute, and is certified in Chinese Herbology by the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture. In 2000, he founded the Circle of One –a 501c3 non-profit Center of Traditional Medicine– to serve people in need, regardless of their financial circumstances. At present, he is advancing the Hakim Wellness Project to revive the study and practice of TIHM.